Conserving resources, driving efficiencies.

We are committed to reducing emissions and waste

Electricity use and waste sent to landfills are major sources of emissions from Kal Tire’s operations—it’s also where we’re focusing our conservation efforts.

We’re working hard to pursue ways to lower our energy use as well as the amount of waste we send to landfills to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from our operations.

stacks of tires inside retread plant

Reducing Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

As part of our commitment to using less energy and emitting less CO2, we measured the carbon footprint of our Canadian operations, which revealed electricity is our greatest source of emissions. As a result, we designed an energy efficient corporate office and retrofitted the lighting systems in our retread plants and warehouses. We continue to look for ways to conserve energy in our other facilities.

Diverting Waste From Landfills

To help keep waste out of landfills, we’ve been working with a third-party waste management company since 2008. We conducted waste audits at our Canadian facilities to understand how we can better manage our waste.

Most of our locations in Canada recycle tires, cardboard, paper, beverage containers and hazardous wastes, such as oil and batteries. Plastic recycling is where we are currently focusing our efforts to divert more waste from landfills.

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